After going through all my old blogs, and thinking about my weekly work out routine; I began to wonder if there was such a thing as to much "Working Out". Is it possible my 10 work outs a week is excessive? Could they be causing me harm, or disrupting a balance in my life?
Mens/Women's Health, Fitness Magazine, Reps, and, Health & Fitness Sports Magazine all tell me that my muscles are to small, that in order for that six pack to show I need to give it everything! Other Magazines; Yoga Journal, Whole living, Shape magazine allow for inner balance, and using fitness as their tool, but does not maintain the need to be a gym rat. There is a noticeable contraditicon with magazines about how much working out is needed, and it is even more apparent in the internet.
The CDC recommends 150 minutes of aerobic activity and two days of muscle strengthening activities for adults between the age of 18-65. That is equivalent to roughly 30 minutes of working out a day. What is to much then? In an article published by the NY times they examined studies that showed long term conditions such as heart problems on athletes who trained excessively. The people in the studies were training for well over the recommended time, some up to 12 hours a day!
Which is wrong? Shapes, fast and easy way to lose arm jiggle or Adam training 14 hours a day to complete his dream of finishing an Ironman?
If you are following your dreams, and enjoying life; I don't believe there is ever such a thing as to much. If working out is your passion, then it should be done with a knowledge and an awareness that you have with your body. Although it may hurt sometimes, if you truly love it; you'll continue to do it.